Satanism... by
SkY2k 2015/12/04 20:42
Will You Sell Your Soul To The Devil For Fame And Fortune?...
Do You Know How It Works?...
Well I Never Done This And Will Never Do This...But Since I Have Real Life Friends Who Are Into This,So I Might As Well Just Give You Friends An Insight Of What I Know And The Stories Iv Heard...
SkY2k 2015/12/04 20:45
Satanism is a broad term referring to a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs. Satanism includes symbolic association with, or admiration for, Satan, whom Satanists see as an inspiring and liberating figure...
SkY2k 2015/12/04 20:49
Ok You Going To Think I'm Insane By Reading This But This Is The Truth What I'm Going To State Here...
SkY2k 2015/12/04 20:58
I Got Friends Who Are Boys And Girls Living In My Area And We Meet At The Beach Quit Often As The Beach Is In My Backyard...These Friends Of Mine Don't Work At All But The Drive Top Fancy Cars And Wear Designer Clothing, So I Always Used To Wonder How They Do It...
So I Investigated And Even They Told Me How...
Firstly Every night At 12pm They Sacrificed A Cat On The Beach...
Now I Understand Why So Many People have Been Complaining About Their Cats Missing...
Secondly Their Is An Embankment Near Our Highway Which We Call Highpoint As We Should Bunk There As Kids,Now At Around After 12pm These Friends Go Up There And Stone Cars,What I Hear Is When There Is An Accident Due To This Stone Acts And Somebody Dies,Then The Devil Is There Drinking The Blood, But He Is Invisible To Others Except His Followers Who Committed The Crime...
SkY2k 2015/12/04 21:09
They Say Money Just Appears In Their Accounts,Now If Just One or Two People Says This Then Is Hard To Believe, But If All Of Them Are Saying This?...Well I Dunno...
My One Friend Once Told Me That His Girlfriend Just Wakes Up Before 12pm And Leaves The HouSe And At That Time He Was Getting Worried About Her,Then He Told Me When He Is Fast Asleep And Suddenly Wakes Up He Sees Her Standing Over Him And Starring At Him All Possessively...Well He Left Her...She Would Tell Him She Went To The SkY To Have A Meeting With Celebs Like Rihanna And Jay Z ect...And He Was Kinda Like WTF But He Told Me She Never Carried Like Less Then R1000.00 A Day In Her Handbag And She Never Worked...
Another One Is That There Was A House Which Was Haunted Or whatever near the Beach but it's demolished now, In This House People Should Actually Give Birth There, Then Boil The Newborns And Eat It...
I'll Post The Pic Of That House As I Taken Pics Of My Sisters Car There...
Well What's Your Take In This?...Do You Think I'm Perhaps Mental lol?...
r0xi 2015/12/04 22:23
jaQui 2015/12/05 07:17
I saw this on Tv its evil
Kayli 2015/12/05 08:07
This is very weirdo, i will get away as fast asti can
Samuel099 2015/12/05 08:31
I've a lot of friends that Practice such a thing... What they do is to sign up then they get money instantly without working for... They told me to Join but they didn't explain to me further.. The website of their group has a red background and black text inputs.... With their Group all you have to do is Upload your real pic, it is done in a such a way that if you use someone else pic it can catch you in the act, And they will ask again, DO YOU AGREE TO SELL YOUR SOUL AND GET WHATEVER YOU WANT? when click on accept, then they'll ask again Your Bank or money account number. This option helps them to send money to your account...
The group will tell you clothes you should wear and other stuffs.... but with their group you won't sacrifice anything but your soul.. if you leave the group then you'll die in that same day..
SOME of my friends also uses a magic book which consists of symbols, all you've to do is open the book and cast a spell then it will come to exist. Example , when open the book and say money, then the name of country I want to receive, bam it will. Let take for instance I want US dollars I will just open the book then say money then US, I will get US dollars , note. you'll get the amount of money you say.
The magic book I'm talking about can do everything when commanded it on a specific stuff. With the magic book you won't sell your soul unlike the Illuminati but I believe Satan do not give anything free.
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