Super Chill 2,500 Year-Old Mummy Had Tattoos... by
SkY2k 2015/11/30 20:19
Super Chill 2,500 Year-Old Mummy Had Tattoos and Smoked Weed...
Back in 1993, researchers in Siberia discovered a mummy with tattoos that was believed to have died 2,500 years ago. The woman was around 25 years old when she died. She was dubbed the "Ukok princess" because of the elaborate clothing that she was buried in, and the number and kinds of tattoos that she had. "Tattoos were used as a mean of personal identification - like a passport now," saidNovosibirsk scientist Natalia Polosmak, who added that the princess's mythical and real animal tattoos signified her age and status.
The wonders of science have discovered that Ukok princess may have also smoked marijuana, but not recreationally.MRI scans revealed that she likely had breast cancer which left her in an emaciated state. Dr Letyagin analyzed the scans and concluded that the princess also had "traces of traumas she got not so long before her death, serious traumas - dislocations of joints, fractures of the skull. These injuries look like she got them falling from a height."
Dr.Polosmaksaid that the container of cannabis that was found with the princess was probably for her injuries. "For this sick woman, sniffing cannabis was a forced necessity...We can suggest that through her could speak the ancestral spirits and gods. Her ecstatic visions in all likelihood allowed her to be considered as some chosen being, necessary and crucial for the benefit of society. She can be seen as the darling of spirits and cherished until her last breath."
SkY2k 2015/11/30 20:23
*Puff Puff...Pass*
Imagine How Long ago Weed Has Been Around, And For Medical Purposes,And Now It's Banned In Many Countries...
Samuel099 2016/01/03 20:31
I myself do not believe in archaeologist cause they can't predict things and claimed it is true..... Were they magicians to predict the year and day also where were day at that time or moment to tell what happened to the woman?
I don't believe things which are not true , ha ha ha ha WTF archaeology reigning these world .... Anyway I read about this online but it is not true.
TinHeart 2016/01/04 07:30
I also heard about it and i can dismiss these claims:She was not an Egyptian mummy,she was actually the first Jamaican Rasta. -weed-
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