#Why why why ? # by Kayli 2015/11/26 16:09
As i went through th forum list, an read the topics tht members did. My question is '' why dont the staff reply in that topics ? Only a few staff will write a few words, it is as if they ar not really intressted 2 read the topics, then they will write GOOD TOPIC or put a smilie thr. Exspecially the admin staff. They never reply in topics. And dnt tell me tht they are 2 busy. When thr are 12 ppl online. 5 are staff. So its nO excuse 2 say tht they are busy. The only admin tht do posting in topics is saahir and Sky2K And another thing, why dnt most of th staff send a member a pm just 2 say hallo and ask hw ar u doing ? No, again they will say. IM 2 BUSY !!! Isnt it the staffs work 2 keep th members here ? ? the only thing is that Smarty welcomes th new members here in the shoutbox. Thn a staff member will cut the shout with th word SMARTY just 2 play quiz. Thats how buzy th staff is. No wonder thr ar alot of members tht left. Becauze of th NON INVOLVEMENT from th staff side. The new members need help whn they register. And they dont get it. Some staff will welcome th new members with a few words in thr GB ' And all staff must get involved more with th members. Or 2wap will get empty very soon. plz take this topic seriously #userRagnorak Dnt wait until its 2 late. Remember ppl talk.
Kayli 2015/11/26 16:48
Quote: rincess_Soniya">Princess_Soniya: Well dear l use to post every single moment l ws online bt m experiencing button difficulties so cnt do much
Excuse excepted Suni /smiley

SkY2k 2015/11/26 16:48
I Agree On What Your Point...I Also Noticed That Many Of The Staff Just Reads Or Edits Topics Instead Of Posting In The Peoples Topics...As A Staff I Also Interact With New Members When They Register, Helping Them Out In Which Ever Way Possible I Can...I Also See That Many Of The Staff Members Here Are Not Even Friendly Amongst The Other Staff Members Too...Well If You Do Need Any Help Or Anything What You Want To Talk About, Just Pm Me,Ill Give It My Best To Help Ya...
Kayli 2015/11/26 16:57
Quote: SkY2k: I Agree On What Your Point...I Also Noticed That Many Of The Staff Just Reads Or Edits Topics Instead Of Posting In The Peoples Topics...As A Staff I Also Interact With New Members When They Register, Helping Them Out In Which Ever Way Possible I Can...I Also See That Many Of The Staff Members Here Are Not Even Friendly Amongst The Other Staff Members Too...Well If You Do Need Any Help Or Anything What You Want To Talk About, Just Pm Me,Ill Give It My Best To Help Ya...
Im proud of u Sky2k' keepup th good work. Its good 2 knw that we have a brilliant staff member as u (thanku)

Page707 2015/11/26 22:48
is this how it works here. Very bad indeed yo
NinthElement 2015/11/26 23:51
Quote: Kayli: The new members need help whn they register. And they dont get it.
I personally welcome every new member to the site with an automatic message, and invite them to ask me or post here if they need any help. Not many do ask for help because the site is user-friendly enough that they usually don't need it.

As for replying in topics, some staff do this frequently but it is something I'd like to see more of from the wider team. Currently any staff who are online when a topic is posted are alerted to that topic, however to encourage a greater response I may change that to include staff who aren't online at the time. In the end though it has to be down to individual conscience and genuine interest, we wouldn't want to force anyone to post.

Kayli 2015/11/27 04:52
Quote: Ragnorak: I personally welcome every new member to the site with an automatic message, and invite them to ask me or post here if they need any help. Not many do ask for help because the site is user-friendly enough that they usually don't need it. As for replying in topics, some staff do this frequently but it is something I'd like to see more of from the wider team. Currently any staff who are online when a topic is posted are alerted to that topic, however to encourage a greater response I may change that to include staff who aren't online at the time. In the end though it has to be down to individual conscience and genuine interest, we wouldn't want to force anyone to post.
Automatic msg /smiley hw many GB did u sign 2 welcome a newbie ?

NinthElement 2015/11/27 10:43
Quote: Kayli: Automatic msg /smiley hw many GB did u sign 2 welcome a newbie ?
Hmm it might be a little odd if I was the first to sign everyone's guestbook /smiley There is work I need to be doing after all. But maybe I can program something so each newbie gets a guestbook welcome from a random staff member (in their own words of course).

zugzwang 2015/11/27 18:03
mostly i welcomes new members in thr inbox as wel as in shouts. i often replies in topics too.
Kayli 2015/11/28 16:02
Quote: Ragnorak: Hmm it might be a little odd if I was the first to sign everyone's guestbook /smiley There is work I need to be doing after all. But maybe I can program something so each newbie gets a guestbook welcome from a random staff member (in their own words of course).
whts so ODD 2 just do it ? I see nothing ODD about it /smiley

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