How Americans social or chat site uses your info by Samuel099 2015/11/24 11:03

The above link describe how Facebook auto collects your into, chat and browsing histories even if you're not in the app or logged into facebook.

Click link below on how Americans handle over your activities to NASA and the government, to improve their business and other stuffs as well.
Samuel099 2015/11/24 11:13
The link didn't work cos some words in the link catch up with others smiley codes.. hehe apple-and-more-working-directly-with-511753680

The second link after copying into your address bar attached the - to apple cos if I attach it it will be apple smiley. -to- stop-facebook-from-tracking-you-2012-9

Attached all without leaving a space. so that you may get the link directly if not, I don't know what will happen hehe

Samuel099 2015/11/24 11:15
Oh OMG! you just quote the original post then copy all the link cos I'm having trouble with smileys
SkY2k 2015/11/24 19:51
Do Not Track Plus
Do Not Track Plus (DNT+) is one of the most efficient methods of blocking Facebook and advertisers from tracking you online. Available as a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer for Mac and PC users, DNT+ sits unobtrusively in your browser and lets you know exactly how many third parties have been blocked from accessing your data.

After you’ve installed DNT+ in your browser, whenever you visit a site, the icon in your browser bar will let you know how how many social networks, ad networks and companies have been blocked. By expanding each section, you can see exactly which of these companies have been blocked. For example, when visiting, you can use DNT+ to automatically block Facebook, Nielsen and more. DNT+ also gives you the option to disable the service on any given site, if you so choose....


Samuel099 2015/11/24 21:16
Quote: SkY2k: Do Not Track Plus
Do Not Track Plus (DNT+) is one of the most efficient methods of blocking Facebook and advertisers from tracking you online. Available as a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer for Mac and PC users, DNT+ sits unobtrusively in your browser and lets you know exactly how many third parties have been blocked from accessing your data.

After you’ve installed DNT+ in your browser, whenever you visit a site, the icon in your browser bar will let you know how how many social networks, ad networks and companies have been blocked. By expanding each section, you can see exactly which of these companies have been blocked. For example, when visiting, you can use DNT+ to automatically block Facebook, Nielsen and more. DNT+ also gives you the option to disable the service on any given site, if you so choose....

Anyway you've try but I was talking about the apps not the homepage.... With the homepage you can do what you've said but with the app there is no option to disable it, you got it...

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