country you love by virus96 2015/11/22 23:09
which country will you like to visit before you get old
Kayli 2015/11/23 11:21
Haiti /smiley
NinthElement 2015/11/23 14:38
Brunei, Singapore, South Africa -plane- Oh wait I've been there already. Japan and Brazil next then /smiley But Brunei again first as it's special to me /smiley
SkY2k 2015/11/23 15:02
Page707 2015/11/25 01:34
Hawai for sure

SAGITTARIUS 2015/11/25 08:42
detrimentum 2015/11/25 18:35
russia, norway, ice land , cuba and chile
Whally 2015/11/26 18:46
would love japan.. hmm brazil too cause of dem galz
virus96 2015/11/27 01:07
Quote: outlaw: All of them.
sounds cool

virus96 2015/11/28 00:15
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