Overlook and Overcome by
____THe.bosS 2015/11/21 09:52
If you've made it to O you'll have been successful enough to to know that you can't succeed without a team. You can't get very far without some kind of organization. That means that you will have to work with people. They're not going to be perfect, there will be times when they will let you down. They're going to make mistakes, and if you demand perfection from them, you're going to be hard to work for. The good people will leave. Therefore you have to overlook your own and other people's imperfections. When you overlook, you'll be able to overcome. Do you have a problem that is so big that you don't knox how to handle it ? Then maybe you need to overlook and look over. I've come to the conclution that there are lots of problems that can't be solved. There's a solution for EVERY PROBLEM. I don't believe that any more. I think there are some problems that cant be solved. However, every problem can be overcome, manipulated, molded.
SkY2k 2015/11/21 09:55
Yeah it's good to be a Team Player...
Ogenecome 2015/11/21 14:29
With God every problem is solvable ,u read jeremiah 33:3.yes team or organisational work is gud bt b careful with d team u work with,regretable problem that men has gone into 2day is as a result of bad company.
Kayli 2015/11/21 15:55
A good topic ' well done
Page707 2015/11/25 01:36
good information
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