Eeprom: i like this
im also believe without a doubt we are not alone emo115#
Im amazed howmuch you can see on a clear night which is a super tiny ammount!
The cosmos must be teeming with life perhaps do different or advanced that we may be as insignificant to thrm as a bacteria is to us.
Sooner we get rid EVERY religion and start looking after this planet the better,
Who knows a giant asteroid may stike earth next week and wipe us all out ,
NO fake allah, god,baby jesus ,Brahman etc is going to save you
Nor is bruce willis either!
Brother,The Church is stopping man from researching and descovering the Universe and unlocking its secrets for millenia.
If they would Be no pioneers,we would think to this Day that the Earth is flat.They wore,and still are those brave men who researched for our own good sake,even If they paid with their lives for their discoveries.
Nowdays,it's all about survival so every religious belief shouldn't apply when it comes to our survival as a species.
Not even one God sayd "never look up to the sky and search for us"
Who knows,maybe,at one time,the garden of eden was basicly a human base on Mars.