How many gamers do we have here? by
NinthElement 2015/11/19 09:41
Just post here if you're a gamer! -wtf- You could also tell us the genre of games you like best or your favourite games from the last year.
NinthElement 2015/11/19 09:44
I've been a gamer since I was a kid, and some of my recent favourites are Alien Isolation, The Evil Within and the Tomb Raider reboot
Oh and Ultra Street Fighter IV emo303#
Samuel099 2015/11/19 12:54
On my Xbox 360 I used to play God of war and God of Gears, Battlefield and Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 here cod the display is quite nice. also FIFA 15 I don't play it often. I like ps2 soccer 2011 and 15 just because of the curling and keeper control option... awww I'm a gamer also like visiting the casino if no one is coming to play with me Haha haha
NinthElement 2015/11/19 18:52
Eeprom: You mentioned tombraider
on ps1 i loved tombraider chronicles too much , that was another than caused crazy addiction dreams i remember the chef on the sub and the underwater witch thing causing headaches but just had to continue untill complete it! I missed many a beer due to that game emo27#
Then On ps2 I bought the angel of darkness but couldn't face all that bongo stuff again -scared- check out the graphic on that chef/cook guy
Tomb Raider Chronicles was a favourite of mine as well I loved the variety between the different levels, from the spooky Ireland setting without weapons to the Russian base and submarine rounded off with the hi-tech corporate building with its outrageous defense systems Tomb Raider 3's stages set in London were memorable for me as well, especially the one in the abandoned Aldwych tube station.
SkY2k 2015/11/20 20:13
TBH I only played Need4Speed couple of years ago on pc,im more of the Nintendo Wii type of gamer now days...I love Playing The Golf and Table Tennis and Tennis which keeps me fit and makes me tired too lol, I Also have A PSP the old type one which I play alot of games on it like Fifa, Ultimate Racer and more but it's not coming to my head right now,couple months ago I enjoyed a Game or 2 of GTA 5 with my brothers PS4...
SkY2k 2015/11/20 20:19
Back in the days I really enjoyed playing the Arcade Games in the Game Shops,Cleared Street fighter many times too,enjoy playing another on called 1942 which was like controlling a aircraft and dodging and bombing the enermy and asteroids and so on...
NinthElement 2015/11/21 13:48
SkY2k: Back in the days I really enjoyed playing the Arcade Games in the Game Shops,Cleared Street fighter many times too,enjoy playing another on called 1942 which was like controlling a aircraft and dodging and bombing the enermy and asteroids and so on...
I've been playing Street Fighter II since the early days, I first heard about it when it was released for the SNES but nothing ever quite captured the magic of the arcade version of SFII Hyper Fighting and I still play that on MAME today.
Samuel099 2015/11/22 13:06
My game centre lol... Check the pics of the Xbox360 and ps2... I use the other flat screen for pay TV meaning when there is any athletes or soccer etc I collects money then let payers watch it.. Lol no payment no watch.
My ps2 Is sitting on the bench lol.
Sorry you can download it but don't claim it is yours. I know the reason why I said that cos others gonna share with friends online and claim it is for them
SkY2k 2015/11/22 19:32
Samuel099: My game centre lol... Check the pics of the Xbox360 and ps2... I use the other flat screen for pay TV meaning when there is any athletes or soccer etc I collects money then let payers watch it.. Lol no payment no watch.
My ps2 Is sitting on the bench lol.
Sorry you can download it but don't claim it is yours. I know the reason why I said that cos others gonna share with friends online and claim it is for them
You Making Easy Money lol By Having A Pay Sports Cinema hehe
Samuel099 2015/11/23 05:45
Awww it is but not cos I'm now caring for myself and her also working online.... I've stopped using PC laptop and desktop
Boring Work is better off than Stealing, so enjoy whatever you're capable of
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