The Purpose of Life by
____THe.bosS 2015/11/16 04:39
what is the purpose of Life ? ___________________________ 1. Discover and accept ever deeper truths._____ 2 .Earn to love more deeply and unconditionally________ 3. Develop and express your creativity _________ #1. Leads to wisdom #2. Leads to joy ________ #3. Leads to strength ___ The point of life is to learn to be wise, joyful, and strong --- and at the same time and without compromising or sacrificing any of these. In order to improve one, you must improve all three. If these pursuits aren't your life's bigest priority, you've missed the point of life entiirely. You have a better sense of that when you die, at which point you will loose: ____ 1. Yous physical body ___ 2. All your stuff (money, home, possessions_____ 3. Your positions and titels.___________________________If there is a afterlife, its likely thats the only element of your existence you can possibly retain is your consciousness. Therefore, if you seek to increase your aligment with truth, love, and power, you may have the opportunity to retain those gains even after yous physical death, because such gains are nonphysical. Everything else stay here. Regardless of what happens when you die, if you center your life around the persuit of truth, love, and power, you can't lose. You'll have done your best. Whatever problems you currently face can be resolved by realigning yourself with truth, love, and power. Truth___ Love___Power ___ THIS IS HOW YOU WIN THE GAME OF LIFE. What is your purpose of life ?
TinHeart 2015/11/16 06:10
The purpose of life is what You make It
to be.
SkY2k 2015/11/16 07:29
To live my life to the fullest and leave with no regrets....
Each day I remind myself to keep a calm and clear mind so wisdom,confidence, gratitude and compassion have a clear path to my consciousness....
-Marizelle- 2015/11/16 10:21
My purpose in life is to live each day if its my last.
Kayli 2015/11/16 12:32
Great topic
Kayli 2015/11/16 12:33
-Marizelle-: My purpose in life is to live each day if its my last.
Thats my answer also
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