REFUGEES NEED OUR HELP!! by Twix 2015/11/10 15:53
Please all kind hearted members of 2wapworld, think of all refugees..They need our help..imagine woman and children..imagine they are us. Please give your time to vote.
You can do me a favor: Our Project has been nominated for the Refugee and Migration Award. Now (Top 20 Projects) the Community Votes which they like best. The Price is a direct funding to the project. This would help us indeed. You have to register on the plattform (that goes easy with Facebook e.g.) and Vote for the Refugee Companion Initiative - basicially you can do that every 13 hours the next 10 days. Maybe you can vote at least one time - and share it on facebook (with a little instruction how it works and where to put the right vote ;) ). Thanks!! (see link for the voting)
Twix 2015/11/10 15:56
Please vote for Refugee Companion Initiative
Please please please and thank you so much if you could share and tag the link into your comunity. Be our hero by your finger.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2015/11/10 16:16
Will surely. Wait.
jaQui 2015/11/10 16:59
Sure i,ll do it...
Lelsi 2015/11/10 19:31
Done /smiley.The only reason I've voted is because I know there are women and children among them. Since I had a bad experience regarding to refugees I'm not really so much empathic about it.
Kayli 2015/11/10 20:50
Well done with this topic Twix ' its good 2 see tht thr ar still ppl who care about others. May God bless u 4 this effort '
Twix 2015/11/10 20:53
Quote: Kayli: Well done with this topic Twix ' its good 2 see tht thr ar still ppl who care about others. May God bless u 4 this effort '
Thank you so much..please do vote..every single penny that will get from this award goes for the caring of refugees..just with your one little help

Twix 2015/11/10 20:54
Quote: Lelsi: Done /smiley.The only reason I've voted is because I know there are women and children among them. Since I had a bad experience regarding to refugees I'm not really so much empathic about it.
Thank you so much..

Twix 2015/11/10 20:55
Quote: EpIcInCoGnItO: Will surely. Wait.
Thank you G.P

Kayli 2015/11/10 20:56
Quote: Twix: Thank you so much..please do vote..every single penny that will get from this award goes for the caring of refugees..just with your one little help
i will deffenit vote thr '

Twix 2015/11/10 20:56
Quote: jacki: Sure i,ll do it...
Thank you so much

NinthElement 2015/11/10 23:02
I've voted now, great campaign.
Twix 2015/11/11 04:06
Im sure theres many reason for every refugees..and im sure every country have their own rule regarding on this matter....we here with clear heart and willingness to help. Thank you dear Eeprom
Twix 2015/11/11 04:07
Thank you Liam
SkY2k 2015/11/11 05:29
Done /smiley
Twix 2015/11/11 05:32
With the help of you guys now we re in the top three !!! Please kindly vote more and share to your comunity for us to reach higher vote. Lets help refugees with our fingers. You can do re vote after 17,hours of your previous vote...please friends vote and share..
Twix 2015/11/11 05:33
Thank you sky2k....we re in the top 3 !!! Look what we have done people....
ABHIRAJ 2015/11/11 11:49
Voted..great job...all mst vote n help them..
Twix 2015/11/11 19:01
Quote: ABHIRAJ: Voted..great job...all mst vote n help them..
Thank you abhi gi..please help and share to your comunity ..we re still in the top 3..the vote will last until 20th November

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