Your earliest memory ! by Lelsi 2015/11/09 23:10
Scientists believe people only recall memories from 3.5 years old onwards. But study found that children postdate earliest memories by up to 9 months.
Girls were more accurate in being able to recall early memories than boys.
These are some research facts. However , memories are amazing ,sometimes we think we forgot something then suddenly a situation, a person we met, a fragrance ,a song can recall some forgotten moments. Think back to your first memory. Can you remember your age ?Or at least how you felt? What would be your earliest memory? Or at least from what age you can say that your memories begin?
Lelsi 2015/11/10 11:01
Quote: Eeprom: geez earliest memory would be walking with my mum probably must have been 5ish i also remember going to see santa and sitting on his knee /smiley dunno the age prob 5 0r 6 im good with remember images and experiences etc but my actual age of earliest memories i cannot say so I'll say 4 and hope im correct,
. emo117#

but actual remember some stuff nowadays im need lots pieces paper (i can lay breadcrumbs n find my way home) notes or a organiser , i blame all the modern site's logins etc my bonse is full of stuff im put off buying some online stuff as it wants you to create an account! just other month at a payment terminal i couldn't remember my pin number FFS! After i paid cash i remembered it /smiley or i could just blame jacki she's keep blowing prozac dust at me emo67#
Note: sorry for drifting a bit, please feel free to pelt me with rotten vegetables or huge bolders
I think it comes with age /smiley,for instance I remember my first day of school so vivid , and the feeling I had , I remember when I was maybe 3 or 4 was driving somewhere with my family and my dad let me ride in front seat of a car,for a 3 or 4 year old it was such an experience lol. I think it might be my earliest memory .
But now it happens that I cannot remember where I put my keys , although I always put them at the same place /smiley.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2015/11/10 11:54
I still have alot of memories some so good and some forgettable. Somethings are never meant to be forgotten./smiley
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