#Price tags# by Kayli 2015/11/08 14:33
In ur country ' ar foods an cars also so high in prices ? I alway think, how do the underpaid poor ppl survive in 2days life. And the price of food goes up week by week. i feel so sorry 4 them -cry-
SkY2k 2015/11/08 14:58
Yes prices always goes up all the time,i also feel sorry for the underprivileged too...
Raks~RoCks 2015/11/08 17:03
Yes price of the food in india is really high now a days
NinthElement 2015/11/08 17:21
Cars can be more expensive to maintain than to buy, but I don't need one as taxi fares are cheap enough on the rare occasion I need to go somewhere in a hurry. As Eeprom said for food it's variable depending on the class or quality, some options are really cheap but I'm drawn more to luxury items, for instance I tend to go for organic chocolate. The supermarkets here are very competitive though and so you can always find special offers like 3 for the price of 2 on some of those luxury foods.
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