*Optimist, Pessimist or Realist* by
jaQui 2015/11/07 01:36
Do you consider yourself an
optimist, a pessimist, or simply a
Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
jaQui 2015/11/07 09:26
I consider myself optimist and realist...
jaQui 2015/11/07 10:09
outlaw: I'm an alarmist. Guys, the glass will be FULL EMPTY soon! Someone run to the liquor shop and get another bottle before they close up!
whahaha, ur also a cleverist
SkY2k 2015/11/07 10:20
The Half-Empty Glass
Generally speaking, you tend to see the challenges and difficulties of a situation before you see the bright side. Not that that's a bad thing, you're an expert at working through tricky situations (a skill your employers love), and your tendency to predict and immediately fix problems makes you a great significant other, too. Your friends and family rely heavily on you when they need advice, and even though you see the dark before the dawn, you can usually manage to find your way to the daylight eventually...
I Just Took The Test lol...
Robinhood 2015/11/07 13:47
Some time is pessimist full glass
Raks~RoCks 2015/11/07 14:05
Optimist for the asked question
_dreamprince_ 2015/11/07 14:33
the glass is half filled with air.lol. am
change.ch 2015/11/07 16:49
Don't make the things complicated, put the glass away and just be yoursel instead of being engaged with words.
saahir 2015/11/07 18:28
My posts and my creativity can tell you about me. Just check my profile, read my stuffs and decide.
jaQui 2015/11/07 18:48
saahir: My posts and my creativity can tell you about me. Just check my profile, read my stuffs and decide.
awe, its not so serious.
saahir 2015/11/07 18:51
Being realistic is good, but its tough to bear others who are not realist.
NinthElement 2015/11/08 04:34
I'm an optimist. It's good for the soul, though an excess of optimism can be a dangerous thing.
jaQui 2015/11/08 06:15
Ragnorak: I'm an optimist. It's good for the soul, though an excess of optimism can be a dangerous thing.
Why can it be dangerous?
NinthElement 2015/11/08 16:56
Why can it be dangerous?
It can lead to complacency or a lack of belief that things can go wrong if you're not careful.
Lelsi 2015/11/09 23:55
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