*Never reject a possibillity* by Aita 2015/10/27 11:02
There is something wrong with every good idea. . Any time God give us a idea. . .we can find some negative aspect to it. . Its amazing how ppl sit and a deliberating meeting and respond to an oppertunity only by finding fault with it. . Dont throw away a suggestion when you see a problem. . Instead. .isolate the negative from the possibility. . Neutralize the negative. Exploid the possibility. . And subimate the negative. . Dont ever let negatives kill the positive potential that is within an opportunity. . Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE if we hold on to the idea that it might become possible somehow. . Som way. . With someone's help !!
TemPEST 2015/10/27 15:36
A good food of thought
SkY2k 2015/11/01 20:02
Very Well Said and you explained correctly too/smiley
saahir 2015/11/01 20:06
If we stay +ve in our lives, it will make a good result. But if go beyond will cost failure. Although results may appear late. But we should give up hopes.
Kayli 2015/11/08 14:00
-goodpost- well done '
Kayli 2015/11/10 20:09
Nice topic /smiley
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