Been Around... by
SkY2k 2015/10/25 20:04
Ok iv been around the net ever since Unrealx,wapdream,prodigits, scotspaul,and so on...but one thing I remember seeing was all these site owners who made people Admins and moderators did so by looking at the members stats,by means of how many years did this member been on the site and what contribution did the member do to make the site Alive and so on,but here with no offence everybody post topics on why don't LIAM make this person or that person Admin...How can the owner make a person Admin is the person is here only like more than a year old,isn't that kinda like no so right,what about the people who are here for a longer period of time?...I know it's none of my business as I'm just a member here but I speak from what I see happening here, I remember a time when this site was a big hit, like 50 online and so on,but now it's all about fighting, backstabbing on here,youll should rather change the name to FightClub lol...Oh I forgot to mention I also was on phonerotica too back then...Let's make Peace on here And let the Owner Choose his Staff accordingly...
#No Offence...
NinthElement 2015/10/25 23:35
I'll address some of the issues raised in the replies first.
@Eeprom and Libra, I agree that forums are primarily meant to be for discussion and our recent restructuring of the forums was partly designed to tackle the problem of copy-paste type topics. The idea now is that threads such as stories, life lessons, quotes etc can be posted in or moved to Creative Work, and this way they won't get in the way of real discussion in General Area. Don't get me wrong, some of these stories are wonderful but the point is they don't encourage conversation, only appreciative acknowledgements. In practice, we've still been a little slow to react in some cases and thus a few of these topics have remained longer than they should in that forum so this is an area we can improve on.
@Eeprom, out of 21 staff 15 were active today and most of the remainder were active in the last 3 days. I am proud of the quality of our administrators, they earned that position and don't need to work their socks off to prove themselves further, as long as they are here most days to contribute.
NinthElement 2015/10/26 00:14
sky2k: I remember a time when this site was a big hit, like 50 online and so on,but now it's all about fighting, backstabbing on here,youll should rather change the name to FightClub lol...Oh I forgot to mention I also was on phonerotica too back then...Let's make Peace on here And let the Owner Choose his Staff accordingly...
#No Offence...
Lol this place has always been FightClub to some degree, I think it's actually somewhat more peaceful than my early years here.
And yeah, forceful nominations for staff are something I'd put in Room 101. That's not to say we don't appreciate suggestions however, as that's better than someone going overlooked.
Idiot 2015/11/04 11:33
Ragnorak: Lol this place has always been FightClub to some degree, I think it's actually somewhat more peaceful than my early years here.
And yeah, forceful nominations for staff are something I'd put in Room 101. That's not to say we don't appreciate suggestions however, as that's better than someone going overlooked.
Do you miss those fighting days, L ? but even I can not bring em back not with only 3 members online
NinthElement 2015/11/05 21:44
Do you miss those fighting days, L ?
but even I can not bring em back
not with only 3 members online
I don't miss anything negative, anyway you can still our online count reach double figures if you come online during busier hours We are currently working on a revolutionary new soccer section which will see our traffic soar further in the new year.
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