*Take charge. .and Take control* by
Aita 2015/10/25 13:10
There is a seemingly harmless phrase that has swept the world. . Ppl no longer just say "Goodbye" they inevitably add. . "Take care" But i content its wrong to say "Take care". . Instead say. . "Take a change. . Take charge. . Take control". . Why ? Because ppl who take care never get anywhere !! If you want to manage your problem successfully. . You need to take a change. . Take care. . Take control. . Taking a change by itself is a reckless risk. . But when you take charge. . You manage that risk. . When you take control. . You manage your problems. . Take charge. .take control and never surrender leadership. . What do i mean by leadership ? Leadership is the force that selects your dreams and sets your goals. . It is the force that propels your endeavour to success !!
Aita 2015/10/25 13:15
There are many things we cant control. . We cant control inflation. . We cannot control a recession. . But we control our ideas and what we do with them !!
Aita 2015/10/25 23:04
Libra: people shouldn't take the authority to tell other people what they ought to do . Unsolicited advices arent needed. Live and let live. Have a nice day
Kayli 2015/11/14 08:49
Libra: people shouldn't take the authority to tell other people what they ought to do . Unsolicited advices arent needed. Live and let live. Have a nice day
Its true, Live an let live'
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