Touchscreen vs physical keypad by
NinthElement 2015/10/24 05:22
Like most people I appreciate touchscreens for browsing the web and navigating options, but is it just me or does anyone else find it very fiddly or tiresome typing on a touchscreen keypad? For me no matter how clever or intuitive a keypad app claims to be, nothing beats a good old-fashioned physical keyboard for typing out long messages.
T9 predictive text on Sony Ericsson and Symbian Nokia were the best in my book, but qwerty is also great if it's done right like on most BlackBerry phones. Indeed that's the only brand I would think of buying these days, as the market is flooded with very samey full-touchscreen models from the other makers.
Whatever happened to choice?
CorbettRaven 2015/10/24 09:15
I don't fancy touchscreen for typing. It's irritating. I like this BlackBerry Q10 Daddy Luke bought for me. I love keypads basically. And I too like Daddy Luke, would opt for BlackBerry. I'm thinking of buying the latest model if I had the money.
jaQui 2015/10/24 09:33
Me too like the old keypad
SkY2k 2015/10/24 11:31
I'm used to touch screen mobiles but I still like the keyboard on pc or lappy...
EpIcInCoGnItO 2015/10/24 14:23
I prefer nothing except the PC keyboard.
Aita 2015/10/24 14:44
I love touch screens
Samuel099 2015/10/25 06:08
Keypads coz I can shut eyes then type but it's impossible to do that on touch screens.
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