FIDE banned Kasparov by zugzwang 2015/10/23 16:07
ethical committy of FIDE, the world chess governing body banned all time best nd former world chess champion Gary Kasparov of Russia for two years.
NinthElement 2015/10/23 18:43
Quote: zugzwang: ethical committy of FIDE, the world chess governing body banned all time best nd former world chess champion Gary Kasparov of Russia for two years.

zugzwang 2015/10/23 18:48
Quote: Ragnorak: Why??
due to charges of vote for cash during predential election of fide

NinthElement 2015/10/23 19:05
Quote: zugzwang: due to charges of vote for cash during predential election of fide
From what I read not everyone is convinced of his guilt. It smells more like politics and power games to me.

zugzwang 2015/10/24 03:14
Quote: Ragnorak: From what I read not everyone is convinced of his guilt. It smells more like politics and power games to me.
yeah Illumzhinov is powerful nd he is behind dis game

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