HOW TO MAINTAIN A HOME by Ogenecome 2015/10/18 09:17
THERE is a difference btn HOME and A HOUSE.home is were husband,wife and children live in harmony BUT A HOUSE is they live war,it is an alternative to stay BUT the difference btwn these two is BASED ON INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER Which one must have aquired in is home or birth stage and his higer institution were friends must have impacted some strange character into them.HERE is the solution
1.IF ur marriage must last U MUST HAVE A SOFT TONGUE
2.THE WAY U DRESS.a decent woma n must dress decently and also a man WOMEN MUST KNW IS THAT,men are not loking for o woman who ll make a house but a home and all these a man ll see in the speech,character,dressing of a ll fade away but character ll take woman to d table of marriage but character ll substain d marraige
5.pray together.the success of a man is not base on the prayer of d man but of d woman.d man prayer may 40% but that of d woman may b 90-95%.these are secret
Kayli 2015/10/18 19:22
Verx true words frnd ' keep making topics /smiley
Aita 2015/10/25 16:16
Kind an very good info -up-
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