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InternetLord 2015/10/04 13:03
life isnt what u think u can own,but
instead life is how much u work
and strive to get what u think u
own,life is full of
hardships,struggle,much provoke
and all shxts of that kind,but its nt
the end of it,infact the end of life is
when u stop and giveup,though
poor or rich no one is
comfartable,thats what the call life,
SkY2k 2015/10/04 13:18
Yeah we all slaves in this world...slavery will always be a part of our daily lives until the end of time...Sometimes I think we are played in some virtual game by higher forces or somewhat...they control us...I can just imagine how they mock and laugh at us...
ACIDized 2015/10/04 13:41
I don't say it I just wear it.
ACIDized 2015/10/04 13:50
You miss out the fact that life isn't the same for every one. Some are born with though luck. And some are born with silver spoon. It's the banality of class and consumerism that makes humans suffer.
InternetLord 2015/10/04 14:14
ACIDized: You miss out the fact that life isn't the same for every one. Some are born with though luck. And some are born with silver spoon. It's the banality of class and consumerism that makes humans suffer.
you should still have the faith that someday all your struggles will yield something positive... you shouldn't relax because you were not born with a silver spoon or you always have bad luck.
KingFISHER 2015/10/04 18:22
when give up life will be ruined up.
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