My proud -me by zugzwang 2015/10/03 16:37
today i felt/learnt dat i m much betr thn many guys.
i nevr talks loose.
m frendy but jolly by nature.
i obeys my elders nd seniors.
i hv betr nurve control dat is cool minded..
and datz y i m better if not best at CHESS.
HandsomeDon 2015/10/03 16:42
We also proud on you , always be successful ***
zugzwang 2015/10/03 16:48
Quote: HandsomeDon: We also proud on you , always be successful ***
thnx bro

ACIDized 2015/10/03 17:54
That's because I'm your role model. /smiley
jaQui 2015/10/03 20:02
Excellent personality and attitude you have.... Stay cool always.8-) .
You,ll just get better n smarter!

zugzwang 2015/10/04 03:11
thnx swty
zugzwang 2015/10/04 03:12
Quote: Eeprom: emo50# emo62# -nana-
thnx dear

Aita 2015/10/25 15:39
Keep going friend /smiley
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