#Labeling# by Kayli 2015/10/01 14:14
Humans hav a need to "Organize" everything, including one another into groups, subgroups, classes, teams. We tend to categorize ourself and others under certain headings or labels. We attach labels, not just to order ppl, but to OURSELFS. Whether these labels are wrong or right, fair or unfair, they have a powerful influence on the perception of self. As u will see, we live to the labels that we apply to ourself.
saahir 2015/10/01 15:58
Agree with you.
Tochi Prudence 2015/10/01 17:28
SkY2k 2015/10/01 18:09
So True...
Georginia 2015/10/03 00:20
I agrer
KingFISHER 2015/10/07 10:46
Very true words!
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