Becoming bitter by
CorbettRaven 2015/09/29 13:42
I find it strange that some people, having experienced bitterness previously in their lives, now they're becoming bitter and hateful. For instance, someone I knew, she mentioned how she was adopted, and the real children of her the parents who adopted her treated her wrongly. Yet, she becomes so bitter from the neglection and mistreatment; treating others like we have no feelings, and as if we're her slaves. And that she keeps pointing our mistakes.
Another instance is, this one I heard from my sister, our former colleague who is currently in the army, earning around BND 2000 every month, is being so arrogant he didn't even smile at my sister - who is being his junior in the cadet army school. We used to know him back at high school as a shy and kind guy. But I was surprised to hear from my sister that when my sister said hi to greet him informally as we used to back at high school, he just frowned as if showing disagreement at my sister's informal way of greeting him. It's like he's suggesting 'you're my junior, you should have called me 'Sir'. And so my sister and I concluded that he must have become bitter because back at school almost every guy in the class didn't want to befriend him.
I don't understand why people let themselves become so bitter just because they have such awful past. Or being unfairly treated before. Does that give us reasons to treat others like trash?
Kayli 2015/09/29 17:24
Its sad but true, thr are so many rude ppl in the world. Everybody have th right 2 be treated with dignaty.
detrimentum 2015/09/29 18:15
i'm currently bitter. I dont know if bitter is the condition, but i'll call it that. Not because of my past, i dont live in the past, once something is put in the past i keep it there. My present is making me bitter. Its not ready to be put away yet. I'll feel better once i'm done feeling like absolute shxt. I'm in a constant state of hungoverness and dryness. I'm annoyed. I find joy in f-all and want to smack happy people so goddamn hard because they irritate the shxt out of me and never seem to stfu! Why? Because i'm bitter. I used to be able to fix myself, it was one of my strengths, now however i'm allowing myself to break completely. Too much information? Sorry.
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