An Encounter of Third Kind by zugzwang 2015/09/23 05:40
write here ur Fantasy or a memorable incident held in ur life.
Here is mine one-
once i dreamt..a ghost appeared nd asked me to play chess game with the condition if he won he ll eat me. i scared nd was unable to play my best moves. soon i realized i was on d verge of defeat. The only way to get out of his clutch was if he moves his King i ll win.
My subconcious mind became active
ME-you r gifted with if u touches any thing..dat became golden !
HE(proudly)-yes ofcourse !
ME-than make ur king golden.
he touched his king and dat became golden.
Thn as he lifted his Queen to deliver a check to mine king. i asked him to move his king as he touched it.(touch nd move r rules ).
nd he hs to move his king..soon i won.
MORAL-dont afraid but handle the sitiuations !!
#53 Creative Work
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