Smiley contest - vote now by
NinthElement 2015/09/13 22:03
In this thread (in no particular order) are the top ten smilies chosen by myself from the Smiley contest. Thanks to everyone who took part and kudos to all members who added new smilies in the last few weeks, we now have many.
Please vote for your favourite smiley by posting in this topic with the smiley number. Votes from second accounts will be ignored.
Voting closes Sunday 20th at 1800 GMT.
NinthElement 2015/09/13 23:52
#12 emo12#
#53 emo53#
#14 emo14#
NinthElement 2015/09/13 23:53
#11 emo11#
#41 emo41#
#22 emo22#
saahir 2015/09/14 04:27
Boet 2015/09/16 02:31
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