Chess books bestseller by zugzwang 2015/09/02 18:12
1.My system by A.Nimzovich
2.Chess Praxsis by A.Nimzovich
3.Most instructive games ever played by F.Rienfeld nd I.Chernev
4.Pawn power in chess by H.Kmoch
5.How to reaccess your chess by J.Silman
6.Reaccess your chess workbook by Silman
7.Winning pawn structures by Baburin
8.Think like a GM by A.Kotov
9.Train like a GM by Kotov
10. Play like a GM by Kotov
11.H.O.T Chess by P.Motwani
12.C.O.O.L chess by P.Motwani
13.Pawn Sacrifice by T.Tailor
14.New ideas in chess by L.Evans
15.Road to Chess Improvement by A.Yermolinsky
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