migrants: the darkside by detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:26
PARNDORF, AUSTRIA - As many as 50 corpses
were found in a parked lorry in Austria on
Thursday, and another migrant boat sank off
Libya, deepening a crisis that is overwhelming
Europe and throwing up new tragedies by the
day. The abandoned refrigerated lorry was found by
an Austrian motorway patrol near the Hungarian
border, with fluids from the decomposing bodies
seeping from its back door.
"One can maybe assume that the deaths occurred
one-and-a-half to two days ago," Hans Peter Doskozil, police chief in the province of
Burgenland, told a news conference, adding that
"many things" indicated the migrants were
already dead when the truck crossed the border.
Police said it could take until Friday to determine
the exact number of victims, which they thought were more than 20 and could be as many as 50.
They suspected those responsible were already
out of the country.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:26
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a
summit on the West Balkans in Vienna: "We are
of course all shaken by the appalling news. This reminds us that we must tackle quickly the issue
of immigration and in a European spirit - that
means in a spirit of solidarity - and find
A security official in the Libyan city of Zuwara
said several hundred people had been on board a boat that sank off the coast on Thursday. Some
appeared to have been trapped in the hold when
it capsized.
"Some 100 illegal migrants have survived," the
official said, adding that rescue operations were
continuing. Those on board had been from sub- Saharan Africa, Pakistan, Syria, Morocco and
Bangladesh, he added.
Even before the latest incidents, the International
Organisation for Migration estimated 2,373
people had died so far this year while trying to
reach Europe by sea, and 3,573 in the past 12 months.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:28
On Thursday, the Swedish coastguard ship
Poseidon arrived at the port of Palermo on the
Italian island of Sicily with 52 corpses found on a
boat off the coast of Libya on Wednesday. Most
of the victims had been trapped in the hold and died of asphyxiation, according to survivors.
Poseidon disembarked 471 migrants who were
among the more than 3,000 rescued by several
ships on Wednesday.
"There are thousands and thousands of dead
lying in the Mediterranean whose bodies will never be found, and no one is paying attention,"
said Palermo's Mayor Leoluca Orlando.
Hundreds of thousands, many fleeing war in
countries such as Syria and Libya, have made it
into the European Union. Germany alone expects
800,000 asylum-seekers this year; Hungary is building a barbed wire fence along its border
with Serbia.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:37
this is terribly sad! Its women, men and children who are risking their lives to get away from war and hunger no one will understand. Risking death in order to escape death is a fate that no human should face.
detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:40
Quote: Eeprom: unfortunately each day we hear all this and more with evermore increasingness, many want to come to Great Britain ! France,germay,Greece,Belgium and on and on and on these people's are almost all from north Africa . Why do they assume its ok and in their rights to swamp europe ! T
howmany go south, east .or west where countries will offer them fuk all!
Sorry but F%*k them!
Hope Zero make it to the uk ! If They wasnt born here or arrived as a LEGAL immigrant in past then F%*k them All just as id expect if turned up in their propsorus country, id expect to get booted back home!

you assume you will never find yourself in their position. May you be greeted with the same mindset you have towards other PEOPLE. You clearly have no empathy.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 18:53
Quote: Eeprom: well you first havr to be in one these countries they trying to flood ! Then you have yo have sine equity tied up in such countries that's going to suffer on account if these people's, i want none ZERO non eu people's coming to Ruin the Uk , fk them off to a country that's bigger than uk , BUT oh no thrm countries dont have a benefits & welfare system! Tgats why the influx is to north europe FREE MONEY!
Once again FUCK THEM! try saudi Arabia its x1000000 richer than uk but quite rightly it's fir their citizens.

refugee camps dont offer money. They offer safety and food. I dont know what you on about regarding benefits. South Africa borders Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Aside from those countries we get our share of people from Malawi, Congo and Nigeria. You go on as if the UK is the only destination migrants go too. America, Australia. Each country who isn't war ridden or facing starvation is a safe haven for those who are busy dying.

NinthElement 2015/08/28 19:10
Many migrants are from Syria and so some news channels have rightly started referring to them as refugees instead. The White House today pointed to how the war in that region is a leading cause of the dramatic exodus to Europe. Many of these people were previously well-off in their own land before their country fell into anarchy and were forced to sell their property to pay people smugglers to get themselves and their family to safety.

It's truly tragic that even after reaching the relative safety of Europe some refugees are still suffocating in poorly-ventilated trucks trying to reach relatives in other parts of the continent. The EU needs to take immediate steps to ensure migrants will not feel the need to risk being smuggled in such a manner and prevent this human disaster from unfolding any further.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 19:17
Quote: Eeprom: i wont be in theur situation unless the uk is 80% full them ,i want zero them here! Why should i and alll uk taxpayers be funding their upkeep in uk ,, talking of uk alone! Thry head here hoping to get asylum because they get free money for doing F%*k all! that is more than or equivalent a profession i the country they should be in ,plus the free uk health carw system its similar all europe but uk gives more benefits thats why they want UK! F%*k thrm i hope zero get here once againZERO

they want FOOD. Not money. War can strike the UK. Poverty can strike the UK. You live in a first world country, so you cant even process that. Unfortunately some will reach the UK, but their wives husbands children brothers and sisters will reach the bottom of the ocean. Rejoice in the death of thousands of people, let that comfort you.

detrimentum 2015/08/28 19:24
Quote: Ragnorak: Many migrants are from Syria and so some news channels have rightly started referring to them as refugees instead. The White House today pointed to how the war in that region is a leading cause of the dramatic exodus to Europe. Many of these people were previously well-off in their own land before their country fell into anarchy and were forced to sell their property to pay people smugglers to get themselves and their family to safety.

It's truly tragic that even after reaching the relative safety of Europe some refugees are still suffocating in poorly-ventilated trucks trying to reach relatives in other parts of the continent. The EU needs to take immediate steps to ensure migrants will not feel the need to risk being smuggled in such a manner and prevent this human disaster from unfolding any further.


Xiao Zen 2015/08/29 00:03
These people are not necessarily in Europe because they wish to be, it is not an option but a necessity. They risk much to even make it as far as our borders and for untold thousands the price is their lives. You cannot imagine what those "lucky" enough to make it suffer along the way or what I assume to be even greater suffering that they leave behind in their homelands.

I may not be a refugee but take it from this expat, leaving your homeland to live in a foreign land is not a decision made lightly, even under the best of circumstances.

Xiao Zen 2015/08/29 00:19
Quote: Ragnorak: Many migrants are from Syria and so some news channels have rightly started referring to them as refugees instead. The White House today pointed to how the war in that region is a leading cause of the dramatic exodus to Europe. Many of these people were previously well-off in their own land before their country fell into anarchy and were forced to sell their property to pay people smugglers to get themselves and their family to safety.

It's truly tragic that even after reaching the relative safety of Europe some refugees are still suffocating in poorly-ventilated trucks trying to reach relatives in other parts of the continent. The EU needs to take immediate steps to ensure migrants will not feel the need to risk being smuggled in such a manner and prevent this human disaster from unfolding any further.

It is unfortunate but I do not believe the EU can make any such assurance even if the political will were there. Even if asylum status were conferred on every last refugee on the border more are coming in every day.

These are symptoms and while it is important to address them I believe it is even more important to address the root causes. Namely war, in both Syria and Libya. While I do not consider us solely responsible for the situation there I believe that we played an undeniable part in events in both countries. Fostering peace there would go a long way to addressing the current situation at its source and so that we do not find ourselves in a similar situation again I believe we should pick our battles more carefully.

NinthElement 2015/08/29 03:06
Quote: Leiko: It is unfortunate but I do not believe the EU can make any such assurance even if the political will were there. Even if asylum status were conferred on the every last refugee on the border more are coming in every day.

These are symptoms and while it is important to address them I believe it is even more important to address the root causes. Namely war, in both Syria and Libya. While I do not consider us solely responsible for the situation there I believe that we played an undeniable part in events in both countries. Fostering peace there would go a long way to addressing the current situation at its source and so that we do not find ourselves in a similar situation again I believe we should pick our battles more carefully.
Indeed, if the rich and strong countries don't have the will to use their resources to end these wars, they will spend them in having to take care of the tide of human misery the wars generate instead.

I do think more can be done to prevent deaths from smuggling within Europe though, like educating refugees of the dangers at the borders.

Xiao Zen 2015/08/29 08:01
Quote: Ragnorak: Indeed, if the rich and strong countries don't have the will to use their resources to end these wars, they will spend them in having to take care of the tide of human misery the wars generate instead.

I do think more can be done to prevent deaths from smuggling within Europe though, like educating refugees of the dangers at the borders.

Perhaps ... -sigh- Although whatever decision we take collectively (and that is precisely what we need to do, make a decision not as individual countries but as a collective) I fear it will be much time before these problems are solved.

NinthElement 2015/09/01 13:03
Labour leadership contender Yvette Cooper says the UK could take 10,000 refugees http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/01/yvette-cooper-uk-should-take-in-10000-refugees
Have to give her credit for having the courage to use a different tone to many other politicians here.

detrimentum 2015/09/01 15:37
Quote: Ragnorak: Labour leadership contender Yvette Cooper says the UK could take 10,000 refugees http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/01/yvette-cooper-uk-should-take-in-10000-refugees
Have to give her credit for having the courage to use a different tone to many other politicians here.

Germany expects 800 000 refugees by the end of the year, more impressive is they are expecting them with open arms. /smiley

ACIDized 2015/09/03 15:01
How Euro zone is
NinthElement 2015/09/03 15:59
It has to be said Germany is taking quite a generous approach, as they are willing to take in up to 800,000 refugees. Getting them there is the only problem. If only all EU nations were equally willing to do their part in proportion to their size and wealth.
detrimentum 2015/09/03 17:19
Quote: Eeprom: i bet she's going to change her mind if they going to be her neighbours, she probably a NIMBY , wheres the money coming from thats what id like to know?

More cuts to our armed forces close more police stations! Perhaps Sack some nurses
Very worrying when you see groups of these middle eastern refugees on news shouting Allahu Akbar /smiley .angry. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lKVMlmC1HSM

Why arent they heading for saudi etc?

a 3 year old migrant. If this doesnt break your heart then you dont have one.

detrimentum 2015/09/03 18:41
Quote: Eeprom: dont try that one /smiley

what, the truth? The reality of whats happening around you, everyday? The fear that causes a parent to risk the life of their child? The image of death? There is constant death in Syria. And life elsewhere. What do you expect them to do? Not fight for survival? Not to try and live? You complain all damn day about people like that little boy. Excuse me for peaceing you off while you are safely in the comfort of your home with a full belly and a distorted way of thinking.

detrimentum 2015/09/04 06:15

Your tax also goes to the war in Yemen. Instead of feeding their own people, they fund a war. A war that can lead to extremists being smuggled into Britain as refugees. If you control refugees accordingly they cant do much. But there is no control. Africa has better refugee camps than Europe. And i dont think extremists are being smuggled in by the thousands. Your media is conditioning you to hate Muslims while your Goverment aids them. Dont look at people as Muslims. Look at them as people. Would you be equally upset if white South Africans come in the thousands looking for refuge? If not then your problem isn't refugees but your problem is them being Muslim. And thats unfair because amongst the apparent thousands of extremist are people who are muslim and not extremists. You should also start understanding that an extremist is very diffrent from a muslim.

detrimentum 2015/09/04 06:25
Quote: Eeprom: well it wasnt that long ago i was posting in forums that we should leave the poor libyan rebels well alone fk to help them beat gadaffi ,
like now i was branded inhumane those poor rebels cannot bring democracy without help and intervention from the outside wirld.
now several years later look what them poor rebels have become .angry.
likewise you cannot deny a good portion of these current refugees hold similr radical views on islam dearly ,its worrying to think of such peoples around you ,it wasnt that long ago a uk soldier was runover in london then hacked to death by 2 islamist fruitcakes ,such refugees coming from syria to uk will have anti UK non muslim views, the uk isnt a large country id sooner the uk paid"some" monies to another larger country to have them ,and i draw attention to the "some" monies ,theres enough uk people really struggling to make ends meet yet the government says there isnt the funds available, yet theres magical ammounts going to appear to help these people ,.
furthermore are these refugees going to return home once the troubles have ended in their countries?
you can make a pretty certain bet they will be just as determined to stay in the countries theve flee to.

a refugee camp is a prison. Its got high fences and military watching refugees. Because refugees want safety and food. Refugees dont live among citizens. Refugees dont get benefits. When the war is over, they go home. They not likely to go home no. Because no one will gain anything from helping them. Goverments help countries with oil or gold.

Replies: 24

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