Eeprom: well it wasnt that long ago i was posting in forums that we should leave the poor libyan rebels well alone fk to help them beat gadaffi ,
like now i was branded inhumane those poor rebels cannot bring democracy without help and intervention from the outside wirld.
now several years later look what them poor rebels have become .angry.
likewise you cannot deny a good portion of these current refugees hold similr radical views on islam dearly ,its worrying to think of such peoples around you ,it wasnt that long ago a uk soldier was runover in london then hacked to death by 2 islamist fruitcakes ,such refugees coming from syria to uk will have anti UK non muslim views, the uk isnt a large country id sooner the uk paid"some" monies to another larger country to have them ,and i draw attention to the "some" monies ,theres enough uk people really struggling to make ends meet yet the government says there isnt the funds available, yet theres magical ammounts going to appear to help these people ,.
furthermore are these refugees going to return home once the troubles have ended in their countries?
you can make a pretty certain bet they will be just as determined to stay in the countries theve flee to.
a refugee camp is a prison. Its got high fences and military watching refugees. Because refugees want safety and food. Refugees dont live among citizens. Refugees dont get benefits. When the war is over, they go home. They not likely to go home no. Because no one will gain anything from helping them. Goverments help countries with oil or gold.