INCREASE MOMORY SIZE DOUBLE by king diamond 2015/08/28 12:21

note: Backup your data first after increase memory size

NinthElement 2015/08/28 15:40
Quote: king diamond:
note: Backup your data first after increase memory size

king diamond 2015/08/28 15:41
Quote: Ragnorak: Nice
ru trying

NinthElement 2015/08/28 15:45
Quote: king diamond: ru trying
I opened it, but actually not sure I want to compress a whole drive /smiley

king diamond 2015/08/28 15:58
Quote: Ragnorak: I opened it, but actually not sure I want to compress a whole drive /smiley
some drive not support

Samuel099 2015/08/29 00:24
Hahaha it's good but it destroys your internal memory also causes it to slow down Hahaha oh well thanks you for uploading it to others. If don't wanna cry later after downloading then don't download, trust me.
ACIDized 2015/08/29 15:37
I need one for my brain.
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