Learn from ur Mistakes by
zugzwang 2015/08/28 06:29
once u learned chess moves nd their captures/ basics etc. Play games with stronger players.
Each defeat teaches us to recognise our mistakes. And next time we shud avoid to make such defeats. Thus in dis way we ll be able to plsy good chess upto certain level.
this is known as TRIAL & ERROR method.
NinthElement 2015/09/01 12:40
Learning from mistakes applies to anything in life that involves tactics, and is essential. And often you have to look several moves ahead like a chess player to see those potential mistakes coming.
zugzwang 2015/09/01 16:36
Ragnorak: Learning from mistakes applies to anything in life that involves tactics, and is essential. And often you have to look several moves ahead like a chess player to see those potential mistakes coming.
how many moves cn we foresee is thus called the Depth of a player in given position.
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