Learn Chess: Basics by
zugzwang 2015/08/27 03:56
relative value of forces
let if a pawn hv power =1 unit
bishop hv power .......... =3 unut
knight too hv powr ....= 3unit
rook hv power ..............=5 unit
queen hv power .........= 9 unit
King is a vulnerable unit nd hv no relative value but hv dynamic value in most of endgames positions.
THUS the relative strength betwin forces shows dat a Bishop+2pawns = a Rook or R+B/N+ a pawn =a Queen.
three pawns = B or N etc.
Any of pieces generates most power from d center. hence control of Center is of prime importance.
Once one moves center pawns..his/her king is unsafe in d central lines. hence he/she shud castle to to keep KING safe nd same tym devlops the ROOK too
zugzwang 2015/08/27 04:21
initial step in d game is Move center pawns.
devlop forces towards d center.
castle soon.
dont devlop Queen early without adequate reason.
zugzwang 2015/08/28 03:36
exchange/s of pawns leads to open lines for ROOK/QUEEN. and diagonal/s for BISHOP.
so dont allow ur opponent to open lines on the side where u keeps ur king OR take defensive measure if dat happens or about to happen.
Try to open lines in the front where ur opponent places his/her KING.
ATTACK with adequate forces in that side of the board where u hv greater board control.
Pawn moves that threaten to displace/capture of opposing pawn/s is called LEVER.
SEE GAME NO.751 & read comments.
zugzwang 2015/09/05 03:21
zugzwang: initial step in d game is Move center pawns.
devlop forces towards d center.
castle soon.
dont devlop Queen early without adequate reason.
dont let ur pieces hanging(without support) for long tym.
try to control the centre squares i.e. e4 ,d4,e5,d5, with pawns nd pieces
zugzwang 2015/09/05 05:50
zugzwang: exchange/s of pawns leads to open lines for ROOK/QUEEN. and diagonal/s for BISHOP.
so dont allow ur opponent to open lines on the side where u keeps ur king OR take defensive measure if dat happens or about to happen.
Try to open lines in the front where ur opponent places his/her KING.
ATTACK with adequate forces in that side of the board where u hv greater board control.
read comments to Game no. 740
zugzwang 2015/09/09 14:59
zugzwang: dont let ur pieces hanging(without support) for long tym.
try to control the centre squares i.e. e4 ,d4,e5,d5, with pawns nd pieces
try to maintain atleast a pawn in d centre.
IMPORTANT Tip- once opening phase completes, try to break the centre in such a way dat ur most of pieces generate thier potential Energy..This is known as LIBERATING MOVE.
zugzwang 2015/09/09 16:56
zugzwang: exchange/s of pawns leads to open lines for ROOK/QUEEN. and diagonal/s for BISHOP.
so dont allow ur opponent to open lines on the side where u keeps ur king OR take defensive measure if dat happens or about to happen.
Try to open lines in the front where ur opponent places his/her KING.
ATTACK with adequate forces in that side of the board where u hv greater board control.
beware of opening of lines by elimination of pawn near ur king. if u hd moved a pwan in front of ur king after castle, there is probability of a sacrifice from ur opponent to stipp off followed by heavy attack on ur king.
zugzwang 2015/09/19 17:17
Ultimate goal is in chess to checkmate opposing King. Checkmate is a position where u delivers a check (threaten to capture opposing King) nd ur opponant hv no room or no ways to save his majesty.
WINNING positions- 1)checkmate
2)-huge force advantage
after some moves there arises weaknesses in one or both players camp.
The basic aim shud be to create weakness/es in opposing camp (its other mattr if your opponant creates in his own camp).thus u hv minor/major advantages
WINNING is a accumulation of these advantages to convert into a big advantage.
zugzwang 2015/09/20 05:00
how to formulate a plan...pls see game no.759 & its comments
zugzwang 2015/09/28 05:33
Ignorence of development by playing pre-cautious moves in d early opening like a3 & h3 or ....a6 & ...h6 cud be harmful in open or semi-open games.
For betr understanding of the idea pls see game no.764 wher black played ...h6?
jaQui 2016/01/17 02:40
Thanx for great info!
zugzwang 2016/01/17 03:56
hope u ll follow
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