Fustration... by
SkY2k 2015/08/23 09:27
A lot of people gets frustrated, I know that for sure as I am one of those people,ok tell us what fustrates you and how do you handle or over come it?...
jaQui 2015/08/23 16:31
Eish... Complicated.lol.
saahir 2015/08/23 16:41
First of all this topic frustrates me.lol.
NinthElement 2015/08/24 01:44
Reading a good book helps take one's mind away from frustrations.
SkY2k 2015/08/24 13:01
Extracted like a thousand lines of code from one script and added it to another script and uploaded it to the server, and guess what?...it was full of errors, had three options,delete the damn code,punch my lappy screen or recode...well I took a deep breath and...deleted the crap lol...wouldn't even think of recoding other people's crappy codes lol...
ACIDized 2015/08/24 14:43
Smoke pot in frustration.
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