APK EDITER PRO by king diamond 2015/08/22 02:48
APK Editor is a powerful tool that can edit/hack apk files to do lots of things for fun. It can help us to do things like string localization, background image replacement, layout re-architecting, and even ad eliminating, permission removing, etc. What it can do depends on how you use it. However, to use it well, we need a little bit professional skills. Don’t be afraid, some examples are given in the help page. This is the pro version, compared to free version, here is some differences:

1.No function limitation

2.No ad


NinthElement 2015/08/28 15:46
Interesting /smiley I want to get into app developing.
king diamond 2015/08/28 15:48
Quote: Ragnorak: Interesting /smiley I want to get into app developing.
ya rebuil some apk files

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