Happy birthday to the unknowns !!! by
Crownstar 2015/07/18 16:28
Dedicated to the 92 users in 2wapworld that have no buddy to celebrate with them. -coin-
A few words, painless and short, Its your birthday, be a sport. At your age, you look great, Have you been, lifting weight? Wish you health, and all the best, Joy and laughter, I suggest. Happy birthday, one more time, Times are tough; heres a dime.
By Michaely Check them here; http://2wapworld.com/xstatistics.php?act=birthdays
Crownstar 2015/07/18 16:35
A happy birthday to relax, We always have each others backs. A celebration like December, Times of laughter to remember. Filled with moments to the brink, We may truly need a shrink. If these memories freeze in time, All those days shall seem sublime.
Robinhood 2015/07/18 17:01
Wish you happy birthday 2wap users
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