*Smile to the world* by jaQui2015/07/12 01:19 Just think, one smile, or small act of kindness, even just politeness could brighten someone else's day and inspire them. It's a chain of smiles!
Exactly the same as one frown, or
one act of negativity or just being
rude, could ruin someone's mood.
And who are you to bring other
people down for no reason? Keep
positive, think positive and act
positive! And your positivity might just spread... -smile-
Boet2015/07/12 09:46 Absolutely true! A smile not only brightens someones day, but your own too. Also, it requies less muscles to smile than to frown. Good topic Jacki
saahir2015/07/12 13:19 A smile only cost a moment but it can make a whole day pleasent of a person for whom you smile. Don't you think its a great gift without making a great efforts? Nice topic sweety.
dellie2015/07/12 15:20 So true! good one my friend.
Crownstar2015/07/12 17:03 That was a meaningful post jacki keep it up dear
haris2015/07/12 18:16 yeah absolutely, Prophet Muhammad(sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "SMILE..." for even a smile is a charity..
well said jackie
bad-apple2015/07/12 23:30 A smile can turn around anybody's day.. give hope to the hopeless and motivation to the demotivated.
detrimentum2015/07/13 16:24 today i was told to smile. Wanted to kick the person in the face. I dont always feel like it, sometimes i want to express the way i feel using my face. Its only natural. But i smile most of the time, so true story Jacki.