#A chance 2 say "Im Sorry"# by
Kayli 2015/07/09 21:52
Here u have a chance 2 say "IM SORRY" 2 those ppl here at 2wap tht u hurt badly, just mention thr names and what u did 2 them. Dnt shy away plz. Be a man and admit ur faults. And ask tht ppl 2 be ur frnd again. -smile-
Kayli 2015/07/09 22:10
We all dnt use FB, and aint im free 2 make a topic tht can be usefull 2 many members here 2wap. If we DONT HAVE ANYTHING 2 HIDE, WHY HIDE IT THEN. this is not a Faith and Believed topic.
____THe.bosS 2015/07/10 12:33
Sorry to them i had an affair with their girl friends
saahir 2015/07/12 13:28
One and only one word "sorry" patches up all breaks and cracks in our relations. I also say sorry to you if I had made any break in our sweet relations.
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