Turban and Cap by anvarkerala 2015/07/06 06:33
There are a few traditions about the use of a cap and turban. Hazrat Mughaira ibn Sho'ba narrates that the Prophet May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him performed Wudhu and made Masah of the front portion of his head as well as of his turban and leather socks. (Muslim Shareef, Vol 1, pg 134).

The Sahaba also used to wear caps depending on the weather too. In the hot days, the cap used to be of thin material and on cold days it used to cover their ears. The Sahabas and Masha'ikhs wore this. So it has a symbol for Muslims. Should we ignore wearing them?

It is proven from Hadith that the Prophet May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him wore a black coloured turban and also a white turban from other narrations.

It is reported from Ibn Umar that Nabi May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him wore a white topi.
jaQui 2015/07/06 08:08
Do they sleep with it?
detrimentum 2015/07/06 17:19
Quote: jacki: Do they sleep with it?

so random! Lol

jaQui 2015/07/06 17:37
Quote: detrimentum:

so random! Lol
Really? Well I need to know.hehe. They are not allowed to take it off, so i also wana know if they ever wash their long hair/smiley

haris 2015/07/06 23:12
very confusing.. plz take it easy bro.. it isnt a must to try and wear either a skull cap or a turban. its more a cultural stuff than a religious one.
saahir 2015/08/29 10:42
Quote: haris: very confusing.. plz take it easy bro.. it isnt a must to try and wear either a skull cap or a turban. its more a cultural stuff than a religious one.

Its 100% related to culture.

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