Islamic Clothing by anvarkerala 2015/07/06 06:29
An important aspect of religion that must be observed is the Islamic code of dress for both men and women. The appearance is a sign of what one has in the heart. Therefore, the unique Islamic code of dress is one of many things that differentiate Muslims and Non-Muslims.

From amongst the infinite bounties of Allah Taa'la, clothes are also a great bounty. Allah Taa'la mentions this fact in the Holy Qur'an expressing his favour on mankind. The Almighty says:

O Children of Adam! We have sent down upon you a dress which may conceal your shameful parts and sent down feathers (or splendid garments) and the dress of piety (Taqwa) that is the best of all. (Surah A'araf, Verse 26)

Today, people are dressing totally against what Allah Taa'la has mentioned.
Brief History of Clothing

The first dress ever worn by a human on earth was leaves. As can be seen in the words of the glorious Qur'an:

And when they tasted the forbidden tree, their private parts become exposed and they began to cover themselves with leaves. (Surah Al-A'araf)

Allah Taa'la is mentioning in this Qur'an verse about the story of Hazrat Adam and Bibi Hawa that when Allah had forbidden them to go near that particular tree, they committed an act that had been forbidden by Allah; their satr (private parts) became visible. So in an act of modesty, they began to cover themselves with leaves.

As times changed, the style' of clothing also changed. Slowly, it changed to two pieces of clothing. Then came three pieces of clothing. Then slowly came the trousers, sleeves, collars and cuffs which is what is worn today.

These are the words of a new convert:

I like being a Muslim because of the unique code of dressing, which is also set down by Allah for us to follow. This code of dressing sets a lot of moral standards in this world where morality is lacking greatly.

Dressing in an Islamic way attracts a few remarks but also a great deal of respect. It also benefits you because you are not caught up in the constant changes of fashion, which in their own way bring about social problems. Young men and women today find themselves caught up in bad happenings just to keep up with the trends of fashion. Dressing Islamically also allows one to be easily recognised wherever he goes. We should be proud of being Muslims. It also allows Muslims to know one another and greet each other with Assalamu-Alaikum', or Peace be upon you'.

Being a Muslim brings discipline, as you will want to be on your best behaviour and guard at all times, to respect your Lord and religion. What all society can see are, Your clothes', which gives you your identity.
zugzwang 2019/04/22 06:32
I hv a doubt,, what dress alllah suggested 10000 years ago or so
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