Evolution of Chess Theory by zugzwang 2015/06/29 19:56
chess was not so rich during d 14th century to 18th century as it is today. before 14th century games r not available in data base. playing style of chess in 14th to 18th centuy is known as Romantic period..
Lil wayne 2015/06/30 08:19
Quote: zugzwang: chess was not so rich during d 14th century to 18th century as it is today. before 14th century games r not available in data base. playing style of chess in 14th to 18th centuy is known as Romantic period..
ya das tru

zugzwang 2015/06/30 08:37
during romantic period the players tried to launch an all out attack on opposing king even at the cost of force deficit..the defesive skills was weak in those hey days. the pioneers of Romantic chess were Adolf Aderson, Paul Morphy. la Bardenious .
jaQui 2015/07/01 01:04
Nice to have a champ here/smiley
keep it up swty.

zugzwang 2015/07/16 06:37
during later half of 19th century nd onwards the Modern theory came into practice.with d idea of centre control with pawns and defensive skills wre improved.
the poineers of this technique wre-ALEKHINE..LASKER..BRONSTEIN..CAPABLANCA..BOTTVINNIK..nd many more including modern masters

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