When love... by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/27 17:37
When love awakens in your
life, in the night of your
heart, it is like the dawn
breaking within you. Where
before there was anonymity,
now there is intimacy;
where before there was fear,
now there is courage; where
before in your life there was
awkwardness, now there is
a rhythm of grace and
gracefulness; where before
you used to be jagged, now
you are elegant and in
rhythm with your self. When
love awakens in your life, it
is like a rebirth, a new
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/27 17:52
Quote: princess_Soniya: Beautoful
Thanks sis../smiley

ACIDized 2015/06/27 19:25
But when love leaves you, where does it go?
ladyme 2015/06/27 21:34
Very cool
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