About an ant... by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/19 09:06
Small as can be but really strong.
It is very short and not very long.
It moves leaves back and forth to the nest.
When it comes to lifting things, it is the best.
Picnic raiders and colonies they are best known
Sometimes they enter your house, right in the
front door.
They never rest and work as a team.
No time to lie around and daydream.
They have a Queen and many workers to feed.
They eat many things from leaves to seed.
They may not be welcome at picnics, gardens or
Invading your picnic while you play cards.
But keep in mind before you get upset.
Is that the ant can be lovable and kept as pets.
They are a wonder of nature and are very strong.
And have been on the Earth for very long.
So the next time you see an ant and get angry
and mad.
Having respect for this wonder of nature should
make you glad....
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