A Birth Mothers Promise... by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/12 09:46
A Birth Mothers
I promise from the first moment I knew
you were there,
I would care for you with all my heart,
With our short time together we had to
I promise that I will provide you with all
that is needed,
This means: Unconditional love, care,
honesty, & prayer.
I promise when I made my final decision,
I knew what I had to do for you was right,
When our Lord blessed me with a
mother's intuition.
I promise to pray that one day you will
It is because I love you so much,
That I placed you in your new loving
parents' hands.
I promise to watch over and love you for
all of eternity,
And always remember that it's because of
We are given this opportunity...
tRuEbLuE 2017/12/06 11:31
Excellent words
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.