A Child's Dream Come True... by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/04 07:20
A Child's Dream Come True
As the sunsets at the end of the day,
And the night begins to fall,
So, does all the dreams of all the little children,
In their own wonderlands of their own,
Wishing and thinking of great things to come,
Hoping their parents will make these dreams
come alive,
Cause dreams to children should become bright
and gleam,
And all to them more than just alive,
All children want is hopes and dreams to become
But if you can teach them how to work hard at
They too can make their dreams become their
own reality,
For any one person works hard enough,
At what they want in life,
They can have any one thing they want,
All they have to do is work really hard to make it
For believers can believe in themselves,
And strive to work toward making their own goals,
Their very own come true,
Which gives more satisfaction in life,
Than things being handed to you,
So always strive for the best,
And all your wishes and dreams can come true,
In your life if you want them too....
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.