3 drunk guys!!! by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/11 19:36
3 drunk guys enterd a taxi. The taxi driver knew
that they were drunk so he started the engine &
turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached
your destination". The 1st guy gave him money
& the 2nd guy said "Thank you". The 3rd guy
slapped the driver. The driver was shocked
thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did. But
then he asked "What was that for?". The 3rd guy
replied, "Control your speed next time, you
nearly killed us!"
jaQui 2015/05/11 20:36
_SUPERBRAT_ 2016/03/03 18:08
/smiley i watched this on a movie.
karthikrk 2017/02/05 15:44
zugzwang 2019/04/29 05:25
he he
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