#How 2 spot th warning signs of a Mini-stroke# by
Kayli 2015/05/11 10:09
Stroke experts hav warned of th dangers of a Mini-stroke, which can be often be dismissed as a "funny turn" A mini-stroke can be a warning of a serious stroke 2 come. Although the Mini-stroke can seem mild, and th simptoms fade in less thm a day, 1 in 12 mini-strokes sufferes go on 2 have a Major stroke. So what ar the symptoms 2 look out 4 ? Mini-stroke sufferer report very different experiences, but most of them descrbe feeling "Odd" Symptoms can build up gradually, or happen all at once. Thr are 3 kee things 2 check if u or some1 near u is feeling ill: FACE - Is thr any sign of facial weakness, any asymmetry in th smile or eyes. Are th mouth or eyes dropping: ARMS - Any weakness, numbness or tingling in th arms. Can both arms be raised, can both hands be felt an raised. SPEECH - Is th person speech affected, can they understand u, and make themselfs understood ? IF THE ANSWER IS YES 2 THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, Phn th PARAMEDICS IMMEDIATELY. It is always better 2 be the over cautious, thn 2miss the warning signs of a Major stroke. Thrs nothing small about a Mini-stroke. It doesnt feel like am emergency coz the symtoms are brief or mild, but its a MEDICAL EMERGENCY.
KingFISHER 2015/05/12 01:30
Only our self awareness can keep us well .
ABHIRAJ 2015/05/15 13:22
Yes agree with u dear
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