dreams do have meanings!!! by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/09 11:48
Friends! Dreams do have meanings, have you ever seen a dream that you're falling from a building or house? Or flying in the sky like a bird? The 1st dream meaning is you will get hurt ! And 2nd one means you're going to travel. Like this there are many meanings of dreams.....
IMRAN-KHAN 2015/05/09 12:00
Have No Experience If I Go To Najoomi Hous Then I Reply To You My Experience Haha
merly 2015/05/09 15:35
ooh yess ,many times,so thts the meaning,ok
jaQui 2015/05/09 16:36
Ever since Freud first proposed that dreams were the ''royal road to the unconscious,'' it has been standard clinical practice to assume that dreams bear meaningful psychological messages, though often in bizarre disguise.

jaQui 2015/05/09 17:41
Flying in a dream, and how
effectively or poorly it's done,
relates to how much control we
feel we have in our lives, and
whether we are confident and able to achieve our goals. High flying is one of the most euphoric dreams imaginable, while flying or "skimming" low to the ground or being caught in obstacles like
power lines can be immensely

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