The red string of kabbalah by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/02 07:12
According to tradition, a red string is wound around the stone maker over Rachel's grave seven times, while reciting various Hebrew Prayers, Including psalm33, The mystical Prayer Ana B' koach and Asher Yatzar,The string is then cut into bracelet size lengths and is worn on the left hand as a symbolic request for spiritual and physical protection and blessings. No one actually knows how or exactly when the custom of wearing a red string began. But we do know that every detail contains deep significance.....
Muwale 2015/06/22 06:52
Vain beliefs.
Xiao Zen 2015/06/24 04:56
Vain for you perhaps but deeply meaningful for those who follow Kabbalah.
jaQui 2015/06/24 23:20
Thanx for sharing a nice topic
detrimentum 2015/06/26 20:25
Quote: Opium: Vain for you perhaps but deeply meaningful for those who follow Kabbalah.

im not even sure where vanity fits into all of this...

Xiao Zen 2015/06/26 23:06
Quote: detrimentum:

im not even sure where vanity fits into all of this...

"Vain" as in meaningless, futile or foolish.

detrimentum 2015/06/27 06:00
Quote: Opium:

"Vain" as in meaningless, futile or foolish.

oh. Vain in that sense. I thought vain as in full of themselves. My bad. But i agree with you either way.

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