welcome to world by dellie 2015/04/29 23:00
As of tomorrow u and i will met for first time. xander lee welcome to the world. now youll see what all the fuss is all about, my grandson! love cant wait to see and hold u soon! thank u god for bringing xander home soon!
jaQui 2015/04/29 23:54
Congrats sweetie. Welcome Xander little /smiley
ladyme 2015/04/30 01:50
Congrats Dellie /smiley
dellie 2015/04/30 03:01
Thanking all for kind wishes on my up comming grandson!
ABHIRAJ 2015/04/30 03:25
Congratzzzz....may god bless u n xander....
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/30 07:19
Marlou 2015/04/30 10:54
C0ngrats -up-
@Don@ 2015/05/03 10:07
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