Birth to girl by
ABHIRAJ 2015/04/29 12:28
Boy And A Girl Loved Each Other
But Their Parents Refused
For Their Marriage.
They Decided To Go For Court Marriage.
When The Girl Had To Sign,
She Saw A Poster Hanging On
The Wall Which Forced Her
To Change Her Decision.
The Poster Had A Picture Of
A Baby Girl And The Caption
Written Under It Was,
Thats Why Im Scare To Give A Birth To Girl
This Small Caption Had A Big Meaning.
So Never Ditch Ur Parents
Bcoz If U Cant Be Faithful
To Ur Parents Who Loved U,
Cared For U, Brought U Up For
So Many Yrs, How Can U Be
Faithful To The Man Who Has
Just Been With U For A Few Months Or Years.
Kayli 2015/04/29 13:02
Thats so true '
dellie 2015/04/29 16:29
Thats very true and something all should think about. good one my friend.
jaQui 2015/04/29 17:34
Nice topic...
Boet 2015/04/29 19:39
There's an age-old saying; "Love is blind". Very true! However, i really think that love is deaf also
Alebi 2015/04/30 03:42
The miracle of life Changes a woman life,been there...
ARUN89 2015/04/30 04:04
No one can show real love nd careness like dad and mom...after them ur life partner can show ..dnt try to escape like tis situation..try to convince ur parents..
dipeeka 2015/04/30 08:19
Superb...thts very true..
chakde 2015/04/30 09:54
very true
chakde 2015/04/30 09:54
ARUN89: No one can show real love nd careness like dad and mom...after them ur life partner can show ..dnt try to escape like tis situation..try to convince ur parents..
Marlou 2015/04/30 10:52
Well, i think heart is m0re powerful than mind when s0me0ne fall in
ABHIRAJ 2015/04/30 14:59
Marlou: Well, i think heart is m0re powerful than mind when s0me0ne fall in
Yes..u are rite..
Red_Tie 2015/05/02 19:51
Thts true ..girls mst think for her parent..and same boy mst do..never to ditch them for ur lov..msst try to convance them..
Daisy55 2015/05/03 03:33
Never to hurt parents,their blessings means lot 4a happy life..nic topic..
nancyk 2015/05/06 09:38
Thats true,we must not go against parents will..they are our welwisher,not enemy..
SAGITTARIUS 2015/05/06 13:49
I will call it,one of the best topic which I ever read on 2wap.
ABHIRAJ 2015/05/07 12:54
SAGITTARIUS: I will call it,one of the best topic which I ever read on 2wap.
Thanks brother
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