" Who is a Muslim " ? by
The_Torpid 2015/04/25 13:10
Question - Who is a Muslim ?
Answer -
1. A Person who lives in USA but Prays for Afghanistan !
2.A Person who Hates Jesus but thinks Osama bin Laden was a Messiah !
3.A Person who Lives in India but Prays for Pakistan
4.A Person who thinks that Countries like USA , UK , India , Russia , Israel are Responsible for what's Happening in the Middle Easts .
5.A person who loves ISIS more than His (Original :P) Father .
6.A Person who Respects women but F%*ks her up when it Comes to Freedom !
7.A person who cries after watching " Terrorists killed in Chicago " on News Channels ! :-P
So Just keep Calm and Hate Muslims because They're never gonna Change their F%*king Mentality ! :-*
jaQui 2015/04/25 17:55
ABHIRAJ 2015/04/25 18:26
May be..what we hv to do..we mst see wat we are...
ladyme 2015/04/25 20:11
I can't bring myself to hate pple but I agree with the mentality malady. Suicide, extremism, bombings they are good at it. I had a muslim friend I thought was different until he showed his own mentality side. I was dumbfounded! .laugh.
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