*The 24 hour plan* by Kayli 2015/04/25 11:48
Any alcholic, no matter how badly off, can go 24hrs without a drink, i3 he has half a desire 2 get well. Tomorrow is another matter. "Just 2day i will stay sober with th help of God, if i never do anything thing" Today and how we live it, thats whats matters and what adds up. Most A.A.s need this prase only in th early stages of thr battle with the bottle. (Thr are some who says softly "Iv been dry 2,000 and 4days) Perhaps u can use that 24hr plan. Others hav - On love affairs - On gambling - On cigarettes - On savings - even on putting up with mother in law. It works. We must get alive in our social lifes.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/25 11:52
Nice Work....Sweety
1dawal 2015/04/25 12:05
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